Asbestos roof with two inch deep moss!

This asbestos roof looks like it should be mowed.

Very mossy asbestos roof.

This had so much moss, it never seemed to dry.

Hand scraping moss and mud from an asbestos roof.

Just look at the sludge we scraped by hand!

Steam cleaning asbestos roofing.

A lot of steam and high temperatures to clean this asbestos roof.

 Side view of an asbestos roof restored with a few new colors.

Side view of asbestos roof restored!

Front view of an asbestos roof restored with a few new colors.

This was restored back to new!

Asbestos roof cleaned, restored and with a few colors.

The start of our color coating!

Asbestos roof totally restored with a lot of new colors.

Just look at all the colors we incorporated into this roof, We were amazed at how beautiful this turned out. Because of how wet and mossy this roof stayed for years, we estimate it can still last about 400 years.

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